Building Science Institute, Ltd. Co. is a Quality Management Organization designed from the ground up to bring professional quality management standards to the energy rating industry. Our policies, processes, and procedures use ISO 17020, 19011, and ANSI/ASQ Z1.4 to bring professionalism to the energy rating industry.
Our clients are verification companies that perform code compliance, energy audits, Energy Rating Index (ERI) ratings, ENERGY STAR® and Zero Energy Ready Home certifications.
AFTER working with us, clients experience:
More time to do the work that matters (time savings of up to 60% that is currently wasted on unnecessary & low value work)
Peace of mind that your clients are served professionally
Confidence in employees:
- they know what they are supposed to do
- they know when they do what they are supposed to do
- they know when they aren’t doing what they are supposed to do
- they can change their behavior to do what they are supposed to
Save money on re-inspections due to missing information
Confidence & pride in knowing your work exceeds industry standards and meets professional standards
Level playing field based on DOE-developed software & professional quality management program
Collaboration to build a better company and industry that your clients can have confidence in